In observing the Cash for Clunkers nonsense this week several thoughts come to mind. First, while I am still waiting to be shown the part of the Constitution that authorizes such a program, I know that the horse has already left the barn on that one.
Second, as pointed out at Hot Air, many of these "clunkers" are perfectly usable automobiles that are being destroyed. What a waste. They could be better used providing inexpensive transportation to those with real need. Deliberately destroying these vehicles, many of them fairly late models, is a horrific waste, all in the name of becoming more "Green".
Last night Bruce Williams made an excellent point; if you want this to be a program that stimulates the economy, do away with the "Green" nonsense and provide the credits to everyone that wants to purchase a car. If you are going to have a giveaway, give it to everyone.
It also occurs to me that since the credits are for the purchase of a new vehicle, we are in most instances subsidizing the new car purchase of someone who could afford it without our help. These purchasers need to be able to handle a car payment so they are likely far from impoverished. I thought of this as I sat in front to my old 27" tube TV and realized that many of those I am helping subsidize have a large screen TV on the wall. They are driving a "clunker" because of priorities they have chosen. Yet I am forced to help pay for their vehicle. I bet I do not even get a thank you let alone a reach-around!
What are your thoughts?